Friday, March 16, 2012

B is for Body

1. Morning Meeting/Circle Time

  • Introduce today’s letter: Bb
  • Weather: Bright? Blustery? Blowing? Beautiful? (Dress paper dolls accordingly)
  • Body starts with the letter B.
  • Story:
  • Sing: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

2. Table Work

3. Left and Right Activities

  • Finger paint: Left hand one color, Right hand another color (Same with feet)
  • Hokey Pokey: Put a colored sticker or mark on each child's hand to designate left and right. Play the Hokey Pokey encouraging proper use of left and right. Consider simply saying the color the first few times. Play several times throughout the week.

4. Blue Balloons

  • Try to keep the balloons from touching the floor. Try hitting it with different body parts (head, knee, elbow, feet, etc.)

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