Circle Time
- Get to Know You Question, Calendar
Letter M
- Find M on alphabet chart
- Form capital M with sticks
- Form lowercase m with yarn
- Writing practice- M page, MOM
- M & K sort- sort pictures, which things start with M or K?
Magnet Activities
- Magnet exploration with magnets, paperclips, washers, non-metallic items. Use clear plastic box lids and move washers (with stickers on them) on the top by moving magnets underneath.
- Match the animal magnets (animals printed & cut from magnetic page) on the board
- magnetic fishing (use stick, string with magnet on end. Go fishing for fish with paperclips on them) Have fish with numbers or letters on them to practice number or letter recognition.
Other M Activities
- Eat Macaroni for lunch
- Glue Macaroni on letter M
- Dance to MUSIC
- Memory or Matching Game
- More magnet play
- Mail a letter in the Mailbox
- Do puzzle with Animal Mom & Baby matches
Morning Meeting Time:
- How do you feel? Can you show how you feel without using any words? Try different body language to show different emotions. (Use feelings worksheets)
- Let's do it in Spanish. Talk about feelings in Spanish.
- Discuss how people in different parts of the world speak different languages to communicate.
- Show map and point to different regions and say "hello" in the different languages
- Explain that some people don't speak, but use signs to communicate. Watch a signingtime youtube clip.
Table Time:
- Letter "Ll" practice worksheet.
- Finger Puppet Language activity.
- Learn the Spanish word and Sign Language for Lion, Bear, Turtle, Rat, Elephant, Bird, Frog, Rabbit